Right from the times of cave art, humans have used graphics and written word to spread information and knowledge. In the modern times, businesses rely on printed materials, be it physical or digital (brochure or website) to spread the word about their products and services. It is simply not possible to showcase your specialty and services without writing and describing it for your target audience.
Even though businesses are using websites, blogs and social media to promote their products and services, most often have promotional materials, like calendars, brochures and catalogs that they can print on-demand when the need arises. This is possible due to digital printing technology.
Digital printing technology has advanced tremendously. Today, you can use a Wi-Fi connected printer to print precise and clear documents for an affordable price. In fact, printing at home or office is more cost-effective than ever.
So, for businesses that are looking at creating and shipping their printed promos, brochures and flyers, technology is a boon. Digital printing technology has made their lives easier and allowed them to ensure their target audience gets the printed material without delay. As a result, it has helped to boost revenues and profitability.
Here is how advanced digital printing technology comes to your rescue:
Gone are the days of offset printing that took time to get the results you wanted. Today, digital printing has become the norm, but you shouldn’t forget that the technology has been passed down from offset printing. Of course, it has advanced, evolved and improved, but its genesis lies in offset printing.
There are many reasons why digital printing has become extremely popular. For one, the cost to set up a digital printer is within reach; and secondly, you can easily print small volumes or even a single copy without burning a hole in your pocket. So, if you business requires promotional material, catalogs or brochures, digital printing allows you to get a precise copy of the graphics and text quickly, efficiently and on-demand.
In the good old days, when you used to print brochures and product catalogs, the work of collating the pages used to begin after the printing. It was an arduous process involving a numerous stages – trimming, collating, milling and binding. Milling was necessary as it helped make the spine rough, allowing the glue to bind individual pages together.
However, as digital printing technology has evolved, so has binding technology as they go hand-in-hand. It is possible to use paper with built-in data matrix code that functions like a QR code. This code contains all the details of the brochure, catalog, magazine or any other printed material, allowing the digital binding machine to read the code and then trim, collate, mill and glue the pages without human intervention.
The entire binding process, thus, is automated and there is no need to use multiple machines or re-set binding parameters each time the printed material changes. As a result, it enhances productivity of the printing press and minimizes chances of errors.
The task of printing does not end with binding. The printed material still has to make its way to its intended destination and recipients. Here too digitization and technology come into play.
There are robotic arms that place the printed material into cartons and then another robotic arm pastes address labels on each carton. Then these cartons move on a conveyor belt to the sealing section, where more technology and automated processes work to seal and sort out cartons to make shipping easy and quick.
Who would have thought that the calendars, brochures, flyers, magazines that your business uses to promote itself are actually hi-tech!
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